Friday, October 2, 2009

The bus

I took this 2 days ago, dragged between posts and now I finally decide to publish it here. It doesnt look that good.

I went for a bus ride with my friend, we were going for night movie, unfortunately the movie ticket had been sold out, so we went back again with bus. I turned out to be very dizzy after that bus ride, I almost puke when I reached the bus loop, I told my friend I was just hanging on because I don't wanna puke in front of her.

I always feel dizzy in bus, I not sure why but I think it got something to do with the driver, they hit the brake so often, I don't think I'm used to their driving.

When I drive, I don't use a lot of brake so that it's smooth and comfortable. I adjust the speed and maintain the distance correctly so I don't have to hit the brake so much. I hate people drive by hitting the brake hard, you would thrust yourself up when they do so.

I would drive smoothly when I want to. Ironicly, sometimes when I drive fast, people would feel dizzy and wanna puke. It's not because I hit the brake too hard, but it's because I always make a turn at 50-80 kmph speed. I recieved complaint that they felt like the car was floating when they rode on my car.

Seriously, I always got nausea after a bus ride. I might puke straight away if nobody was there.


夜公主 said...

This is the second time i view ur bloggie. Just feel like wanna drop u a 2nd comment^^
all i can say is just "lolz.."
anyway ur pic looks good~~

Ryousuke said...

thank u =)